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Understanding Image Sharpness

(Sample chart form the article)
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This article is a recommended read for anybody loving to dig into technology and who isn't afraid of a bit of math.
It's abstract and table of contents is:
This White Paper is one in a series of articles discussing various aspects in obtaining sharp photographs such as obtaining sharp focus, avoiding shake and motion blur, possible lens resolution etc. This paper tries to provide a common basis for a quantitative discussion of these aspects.
Table of Content
1. Measures
1.1. Modular Transfer Function
1.2. Blur
1.2.1. The hard pixel
1.2.2. The perfect pixel
1.2.3. The real pixel, sharp and soft
1.3. More realistic resolution measures
1.4. Combining blur
2. Sources of blur
2.1. Defocus
2.1.1. Ability of deconvolution operators to reduce defocus blur
2.2. Bayer matrix and anti aliasing
2.3. Diffraction
2.4. Lens aberrations
2.4.1. Defocus, Spherical aberration, Coma, Astigmatism
2.5. Shake
2.5.1. Measuring shake
2.5.2. Expected shake
2.5.3. Empirical results
2.5.4. Tripod classification
2.6. Motion blur
2.7. Noise
2.8. Atmospheric perturbations
2.9. Precision and calibration
3. Practical considerations and examples
Please, proceed here:
- Online article (same as click onto blog title)
- PDF print version