On my way back home today, I ran into the preparation for a public catwalk in the streets of Munich. More precisely, Glockenbach quarter which is pretty known for cool events like this.
For the curious: the fashion designer and store owner is Svenja Jander, a cool new designer.
Great, so I grabbed "my" K-7, two limiteds and a flash and hurried back for prime time :)
People having shot catwalks may know that it is harder than it appears. The models run fast, and in this particular case, daylight was already low and artificial light provided was sparse (well, one lamp exactly lighting up the models passing by, for 1/2s maybe ;) ). My fill flash helped a bit, just a bit though. Nevertheless, compared to earlier experience with the K20D, I had a much higher rate of keepers this time. I like to use the DA 40 Ltd. in events like these and today was no exception. Unfortunately, I had no opportunity to mount the 70mm. When I was ready to change subject, the show was over, already :(
I didn't shoot burst and therefore, the higher number of keepers is mainly accounted for by a better and faster autofocus. I was quite pleased except for the fact maybe that I still got out-of-focus shots ;) Seems, the K-7 cannot produce wonders but it was a reliable tool indeed. And if you are wondering if others can produce wonders, here is a comment from a photographer shooting Nikon at the event: "Oh oh, the models ran sooo fast ..." :)
Looking at some of the missed photos again, many have motion blur actually. Despite flash and 1/100 - 1/180s ... If you look at some of the photos below, you can feel the motion, actually.
Another photographer shooting Pentax K20D, K100D, with triggers and big flash lighting box, got a big smile when he saw me and a Pentax in my hands. And he got pretty shocked to read "K-7" printed on it. He had never heard of it! ;)
One more comment about the photos you're going to see below ... They are all (sometimes heavily) processed and/or cropped and (except for one unprocessed original). My aim was not to reproduce what I saw! The photos are not meant for measurbation (if spelled correctly). I present them more as an illustration of what I could artistically achieve with a K-7, a DA40, a Sigma flash and little preparation. Others may do better.
Here you go ...

A 100% crop (when clicked) of the photograph above.

A nice walk

Shine, baby shine
(Please, click on the photos for enlargement, select size from the toolbar. Please, respect the copyright.)
If you enjoyed the images, then you may be interested to visit the entire gallery here:
Catwalk Glockenbachviertel Jahnstreet
Guy on the "A nice walk" picture was acctually shoting at you :)